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Our Children’s Memorial Walkway

PO Box 44153
Charlotte, NC 28215
[email protected]

2023 Board Members & Affiliates

Sherie Bradshaw, Chairperson

Katy Wind, Vice-Chair (St. Jude Children’s Affiliate Clinic at Novant Health)

Lauren Wigle (LifeShare Carolinas), Secretary

Jeff Erdle, Treasurer

Staci Brown (KinderMourn)

Gail Harris (Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital)

Alice McGinley (H.U.G.S.-Healing & Understanding Grief from Suicide)

Sandra Pickens

Steve Schempp


Chris Hunter, Superintendent, Park Operations, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation

Bryan Joyner, Central Park Region Manager, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation 

Parker Davison, Horticulture Liaison (Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation)

Tim Turton, (retired Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation)

Joan Petruski

JeanMarie Randall

Susan Taylor

Volunteers- Garden
Board Members

Frank Bradshaw

Susan Evans

Sandra Pickens family


Frazier Park
1201 West 4th Street Ext
Charlotte, North Carolina, 28208

"The hardest thing ever to hear is that your child has died. The hardest thing ever to do is to live everyday since that moment."

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