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Our Children's Memorial Walkway - Adopt a Brick

Bricks along the walkway are available for adoption by parents, grandparents, siblings, or friends. This is a beautiful way to honor a loved one. Bricks have been adopted as a memorial gift when a child has passed away, in memory of a lost loved one's anniversary or birthday and as a marker for families that may not have a local burial place - or possibly no burial place at all -for their lost loved one.
SINGLE BRICKS (4" X 8") are available with up to three (3) lines of text (20 characters each including spaces). DOUBLE BRICKS (8" X 8") are available with up to six (6) lines of text (20 characters each including spaces). Each brick surface is laser printed with 5/8" text and/or clip art.
To Order An Engraved Brick, please click here for the Brick Order Form, then just print it, fill it out and mail it with your payment to the address on the form. (For available clip art and how it can be used on your brick, click here.)Order Form
Twice a year, in the spring and in the winter Holiday Season, families gather together
at the garden to remember their children and acknowledge new bricks that have
joined the walkway since the last service.  Music, balloons, and more recently
butterflies are part of this very special program. 
It is a time for families to come together in MEMORY and HOPE.



Layout of Memorials in the Garden

Map-Diagram-OCMW Walkway brick sections.png

© 2024 Our Children's Memorial Walkway, Inc. All rights reserved.

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